CoverPoint Partners


What We Believe

We care deeply about social and economic mobility throughout the student lifecycle from college to employment

We believe innovation is imperative for colleges and employers to recruit, retain and succeed in their journeys

We deliver what we promise

Create, Invest, and Operate socially impactful platforms & companies to generate jobs for the future.

What We Do

In the nexus of education, finance, and technology

Employability & Income Mobility

Capital to Expertise



Higher Education Platform

IonTuition provides default aversion, student loan supplemental servicing, and enrollment management to colleges. ION also provides student loan repayment benefits to employers.

Virtual Behavioral Health Platform

META is the nation’s first Uber-like counseling platform for your employees & students – with response times under 6 hours


Balaji “Raj” Rajan, Principal
Maureen Peterson, President

Let’s Talk

CoverPoint Partners is talking with employers, schools, and lending partners. Complete the form below to begin a confidential conversation.
